
How to Show Invisible files in Mac OS X

Show invisible files in the finder Mac OS X

You can reveal these hidden system files with a lesser-known keyboard shortcut.

In the Finder, press Command-Shift-period

To show invisible or hidden files in the finder use these commands in the terminal:

1. Open the Terminal.

Hint:Keyboard shortcut. Press Keys. Command + spacebar then type: Terminal 

Press Return.2. In Terminal Type: 

defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE

3. Now you need to restart the Finder.

 In the Terminal type: 

killall Finder

Now you will be able to view all invisible files on your mac.



To hide invisible files in the finder use these commands in the terminal:

defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles No

Then in the terminal type:

killall Finder

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